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  • Hi, Im 17, got sexually harrased and abused by my own dad. He manipulated me while doing so, so I would get afraid to say no. My dad always has been a kind of problem to me; when I was younger he used to hit me or yell at me a lot… im afraid of what he’ll do now when i would tell him to stop because i cant stop thinking about all this trauma he left me with. I hate him, but I don’t. Dads are complicated.
  • I wouldn’t say I grew up in a healthy house. My father was abusive, he mistreated my mom and most of my childhood was fear. But after my parents split & my dad grew up too, things were suddenly changed into something so much more healthier. Even though this is everything I want now, the damage has been done because he destroyed every evidence of my childhood. No pictures no nothing. He never wanted a daughter so he made sure of it. I can’t help but wonder sometimes if he loves me for me or because I suddenly made a name for myself.
  • Love you kenz thanks for being such an important part of my life
  • My mother left me and my twin sister when we were 5 years old my dad had to raise 2 daughters all by himself my mother took all of my family’s money and because of that me and my twin had to go to school wearing the same cloths everyday because we had nothing els to wear . We are now 18 years old and my mother has tried to come back into our lives but I still cannot forgive her for what she did to my father and the rest of my family. So thank you for this song !
  • my mom walked out on me and my sister and my dad took us in. then when she came back a few years later he left. now i only know the new version of my mom and im trying to grasp onto what i have left of my dad.
  • dont go.
  • i’m so proud of you for making this song and touching so many hearts. what i love about the song is that it’s up for interpretation and we can all relate to the lyrics in different ways. i appreciate you so much kenzie, keep it up 💌
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  • late to tell my story but im here now. my parents were high school sweethearts & don’t really care about anyone but each other. their involvement with me would swing violently & rapidly between overbearingly involved to me essentially raising myself & my sister on my own. when came to anything outside the house, they were suffocating. i was not allowed to have a friend unless they approved. but when we were at home, it was like i didn’t even have parents. i did all the cooking & the cleaning. i was “given the gift” essentially raising of my sister. they were only there to inspect and berate. when i was able to start working at 15, i had to start paying for everything for myself & sometimes for them too. when i would stand up for myself, they would always say “why are you acting like this? we didn’t raise you like this. this isn’t you.” I’m acting like this because of you. you didn’t raise me, i raised myself. you can’t say this isn’t me, you dont even know me.
  • my dad has never been there for me. my mother asked him to leave when i was about 2 1/2 years old and we completely lost contact. my mother got engaged when i was four and married when i was nine. I had no idea about him before that. she didnt tell me much just that my step dad wasnt my real dad bc thats what i thought. so baisically a couple years after i was born he went and had another kid then left that girl. he is now married to a new woman who is crazy. she was tried to contact my mom and ask her questions about me. when i was 12 she pretended to be my sister and ask me a bunch of questions but i believed her. I told her a bunch of information about me and she gave me my dads moms phone number so i contacted her and she said that it wasnt my sister i was speaking mom found out i was speaking to my dads mom who she was not on good terms on bc she didnt tell my dads wife that i was a thing. but i love my grandma so she said i can meet up with her. never happened.
  • i never met my dad and probably never will, but i still think about him everyday and i feel like he’s part of me and i just want the chance to meet him, thank you for this🤍
  • I actually love this song so much, kenzie is such a great singer and I’ve watched her grow so much. I’ve started SH since 7th grade, and I recently did it again. I’m trying my best not to relapse and sober up, and by this I cry my heart out to music. This song is a masterpiece and I will sing it to make me release my emotions.
  • My story starts from when I was young my dad had cheated on my mom and my world felt over. I’m traumatized from some of their fights and still think about them constantly. My dad had left for awhile w his gf but then came back and decided to start being a dad again. We aren’t close we fight often and I’ve been kicked out for saying I didn’t like his girlfriend. Well I would always go cry to my stepdad he was like my dad he made me happy and he was always there. Him and his amazing four kids. Well my mom ended up getting pregnant later on and he got scared bc he didn’t wanna start his “life over” especially since he has an 18 year old. We’ll know my moms almost 9 months pregnant and he still hasn’t come back. I feel awful like I’m a person that will never be good enough to have a dad. I’m not good enough to have anyone. I’m traumatized I think everyone’s gonna leave me. I cried to my mom telling her that I was to scared to tell her things bc I was scared she was gonna leave too.
  • My dad was always distant and used to pay for our love, my mum and him were still together and were happily married despite him only coming to see us once every weekend, then once every two weeks then eventually once a month. And we put it down to him needing help for his Parkinson’s and his job being in London. Turns out after he died we found out he had lied about his age. He was 43 when he met my mum who just turned 19 and died at 82 (my mum was 60) and he actually was living a second life with two other secret families who didn’t know each other so he had three wives and I had 5 half siblings I didn’t know about who are all 40-60 and their names were the same as my siblings. He left us with no money, a lot of trauma and betrayal and now my mum looks back on her life and realised she had been manipulated from the get go. It was a wild story, my mums going to make a book about it
  • I relate to this song and the feelings so much! The grief, maybe linked to some form of unwanted missing, even the nose thing. Thank you for sharing it and expressing your feelings and thoughts while at the same time making others feel understood.🫶🏻✨
  • my dad is a drug addict. I never grew up around either of my parents. I was adopted by my aunt and uncle when I was 9 and we moved away to Texas. I still see my mom and dad when I visit jersey. but it always hurts the most to see my dad, to slowly see him turn into a completely different person. I know what he's like when he's sober and I love to see him healthy and happy. it rlly hit me hardest on my 16th birthday. I knew he had been sober a few months prior, so I was excited to see him. it would've been the first birthday he spent with me in 7 years. we talked all day leading up to my party and he said he kept reasuring me he was still coming. he eventually just stopped answering my calls and texts. he never showed up. he never replied to anything I sent him, until I came to visit again and saw him in person. I continue to see him everytime I visit, only because he lives with my grandma and that's where I stay. if it were up to me I wouldn't see him at all, unless he was sober.
  • I’m a 20 year old student from london, and I’ve never felt more connected to a song before in my life - my dad left my mum and I 3 years ago (moving to a different country and having an affair) and it still hurts to this day - though I go between loving and hating him, it just feels so good that a song like this exists, it perfectly encapsulates my feelings - thank you Kenzie🫶
  • Me and my grandmother had a very close relationship. I loved her to death and so did she, she was like my other half. I didn’t need a man for a soulmate, she is my soulmate. She recently passed away and nothing has ever been the same. I am not the same, My grades have been slipping and I shut people out a lot. I was never close to my family, she was the only person i was close with. I told her everything. I miss her a lot and I wish she never left me.
  • im so grateful to have nice parents who give me what i need, but sometimes it feels like IM not enough. i do everything i can, im an honor student, i do extra curriculars, i do house work, and they always find a way to make it all seem like its worth nothing. as if its all gone to the trash. thank u for a beautiful song kenzie ❤️ i love u endlessly, u make me feel as if everything i do is not trash
  • I felt so connected to this song. My dad had been absent most of my life and always put work first over us. When my parents got divorced I didn’t see him at all for some years I felt really numb with everything related to my dad. Everything he gave me was empty promises. And now he’s trying to come back and it hurts to see that the only memories that I have with him, he doesn’t remember them (not that he had any issues to remember, he just didn’t care to remember). I really don’t talk about this with anyone because I have really inside of me, but this song hits home and also being the same age as Kenzie makes me not feel so alone alone anymore :)
  • my parents always put so much pressure on me being first generation they forgot they needed to protect me from the world and now i have to fend on my own, my dad was there financially but never emotionally he i cant remember the last celebration hes been too for me. man this song hit
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  • A year after covid my mum fell into a deep state of depression and anxiety. She went back to her home country from July to December. That summer my dad neglected my sister and I (back then I was only 12 and my sister 9). He made me work at the dollar store every day that summer from 9am to 10pm, I'd have to wake up at 6am and take care on all of the house chores (cleaning, making breakfast for him and my sister, making lunch for my sister whilst I was at the shop and making lunch for him too), at lunch time there were typically no more clients and he went to the backroom to nap for up to 5 hours at a time, when it was later in the evening, clients started to arrive and ask questions which I didn't know about products. At night he would make me walk 20 minutes back home whilst he went to bars and clubs. I realise now that he only slept during lunch time so that he could save all his energy for some other family. So many more stories that I have, but I'm relieved that that is now over.
  • my father has only ever loved me from a distance. we don’t have a relationship and even though i’ve done just fine without him for 13 years, i still miss him from time to time. to miss someone who is alive but chooses not to see you is a level of pain i don’t wish upon anyone.
  • The hurt that people cause are ones that last forever and yet somehow we learn to be grateful for them because each cut made us into the understanding people we are today
  • I read most if not all of the stories, to anyone reading this just know that ur not alone, I related to this song as much as u guys did, it is hard it's very hard but we can do it, we all can do it. I love u all and u are strong enough to do it all by urself<333
  • i was sexually assaulted and used in the 7th grade and no one knows except for my cousin, i can’t do anything about it cause i see his disgusting face at school. Side eyeing me from a far.
  • this song is barbie the movie coded
  • my dad and i have always had a weird relationship. as a kid he was there but never there at the same time. you either got absent dad where he was “at work”, fake dad who did father daughter dances or baseball, or angry dad where he was abusive. as a little girl growing up i would see other girls with their dads happy and playing and i always wondered why i didn’t have that dad. why wasn’t i good enough to have that? years down the road; 2 weeks before my bday, i found out he was cheating on my mom for years with out next door neighbor that has caused problems with my family for years. i packed a bag and temporarily moved in with my cousins cause i didnt want to be around him cause i didn’t feel safe being around him when ik he’s angry for getting caught. few days later we met up at a park and i told him to choose between having me in his life or the woman. he didn’t speak and wouldn’t look me in the eyes and at that moment i knew he chose her. i left him there and haven’t spoken since.
  • When I was little I had this one best friend that I got along with really well, it was like Chloe and Maddie, she was Chloe (cause she's blonde) and I was Maddie and we danced together ended up going to the same school and did everything together and then one day I suddenly get a text from her parents saying that she had killed herself due to some cyber bullying I haven't been myself since
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  • although my “dad” is around he is super toxic and i know once i can finally move out i’ll never speak to him or see him again. thank you for this song.
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  • My dad used to hurt me when I was a kid in every way one can imagine. He left when I was 12. I've only seen him a few times since then, but every time there's been empty promises of him getting better and wanting to be around more. I'm getting married this weekend and thinking about a father daughter dance has been incredibly painful. It's weird how the memories of him can be so terrible, but I still feel an empty space in my life without him. This song is helping me heal.
  • this song is like veryyy relatable and I was shocked how I had it on repeat because my father is absent. It sucks growing up without a father and since you (kenzie) are the same age as me it made me feel okay with still grieving the relationship. I constantly tried to mend it and he’s so in and out and the empty promises is crazy. the part that got me is like it’s just anatomy, hate that you’re half of me. He’s not really a good person and even when he was in my life he was in and out of prison and I hate that I still crave a relationship with him. pretty much, this song touched me.
  • so i wouldn’t say i have daddy issues but my parents are kinda crazy. they were divorced from when i was 3-5 (weeks away from turning 6) and then got remarried but i still have countless memories of their fights and my dad threatening to go to the police on 3 different occasions. i hope to God that i can find someone who i won’t have that type of relationship with.
  • The song is so beautiful and heart touching that I literally shed tears... I’m so proud of you Kenzie for putting this song out expressing your feelings and I just wanna let you know that know matter what we are here for you ❤️❤️❤️
  • my dad’s side of the family completely removed themselves from my life when i was around 8 years old. they decided to stop speaking to my family and ever since, they know nothing about me and i know nothing about them. sometimes i sit here and wonder what would be different and even find myself missing something i don’t have. everyone else has a second set of grandparents in their life and then there’s me. for all the things they have and haven’t done, i hate that they’re part of me. i wish i could have a happy family like most others, but i know i could have it much worse. it just gets hard sometimes. this song really speaks to me about this situation. thank you so much for this 🫶 you’re so strong
  • I Never meet my dad and my mom was abusive with me but not with my brother😻 nah but fR I didnt have a fun childhood… I dont have a lot of memories from when I lived with my mom because ive moove to my grandparent’s but i can remember listening to dance moms trying yo escape my Life (i was in my room Weile my mom was drinking in the kitchen). Anyways i owe everything to my grandparents and dance moms
  • Ive never had a good relationship with my dad. All through my childhood up and continuing into my teenage years he has shown abuse towards myself and my siblings. As i’m 18 now soon to be 19, i hope to move out and move on. This song means so much to me and i relate to it so much. Thank you Kenzie x
  • I've always had a confusing relationship with my dad. He was absent for most of my childhood as he was working in another country, and he barely reached out. I was definitelygrateful that he was working for my sisters and I, but when he cane back, he was a different person. He caused alot of trauma for us, I've seen him rage behind the wheel causing the car to be going crazy on a main road, I've seen him throw things in anger, and I've seen him hit my older sisters. He's never said sorry. He's made me fear all men who raise their voice, and it still scares me when I can hear him on the verge of raising his voice. After aroujd 6 years of that, he truly tried fixing our relationship, and at first I didnt know how i felt because he could still get mad sometimes. Ive listened to Anatomy since it came out, and althought I cry to it every time, i really appreciate Kenzie forcreating such a safe space, even if it is theough a song ❣️
  • sometimes it only feels like my parents are written on my papers but not in my heart
  • my dad blamed me for the fact we didnt have a relationship. he, and all my other sisters stay in a different province. i was 12, and 13, and believed it was my fault my dad just didnt love me.
  • this song made me cry as soon as i heard it. the lyrics “but still you don’t know me at all” and “empty promise” really hit oh my goddd! my dad used to promise all these things when i was younger, to me and my siblings. he never did them, he never visited. he has a whole new family now and he doesn’t talk to us now . he lives in a different country so i have not heard from him in years. this song was exactly what i needed. 🫶🏽 healed my inner child
  • Well I am pretty stressed cause I have my results for my college entrance exams coming up soon and if I managed get the grades I would be able to go to med school, and getting into school is not what worries me you know, like being able to do well, having the will and whether i be able to manage under stress. But I really hope I can be an asset and help other people. And also my brother is studying abroad and it can be pretty hard to confront him due to an awkward situation but I hope I gather to courage and talk it out with him. And I am sure you probably won't see it but I am happy to see that you somewhat found your happy place and I am sure things are gonna get better over time.
  • I am in love with an amazing boy right now but I let the past get in the way, I always over think but he reassures me, and its great, idk if i deserve him but i dont ever want to leave him and i want to last forever, im so proud of you kenz ive always looked up to you since i was young, on dance moms and all ur other projects i hope your song gets the attention it deserves because i feel like your a hard worker love ya
  • My Dad was never there for me, always had better or more important things to do. Part of me hates him for that.
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  • my dad is a narcissist and just a really ugly person and has caused a lot of trauma for me, my mom and siblings. My parents are divorced now but my siblings and I don’t want anything to do with him. So now that I’m getting married soon and planning a wedding, I haven’t been keeping him in the loop and he got real upset about that, so I tried talking to him about why our relationship is the way it is and that he’s caused a lot of trauma in my life that is hard to over look. He told me I don’t know what trauma is and for me to go watch a lifetime movie to see “real trauma” and that he wasn’t coming to my wedding or giving me away 😀
  • My parents divorced when I was 7, The thing that I remember the most is the fighting between my parents and I would always be in the middle. I rarely see my Dad, but when I do and I knock on his door, it takes him a whille to recognise who I am. We very rarely call, and we can't text as he only has a home phone, just to make calls on. Sometimes he would say hurtful things but doesint mean it, it's just the only way to hurt Mum. But 9 years later, my Mum got re married and now I have a step Dad, which I think he's lovely and he's been like a real Dad to me, we got a nice house and I'm content.
  • My boyfriend of 5 ,now fiance, has told me he's getting into Scientology. So some backstory, my boyfriend is very kind, sweet, social, loving,etc but he can be a little to social and has a hard time saying no to things. Recently he went on a trip California and came back with a book about Scientology. I didn't think much of it as he reads a lot of different genre. But I recently saw in his search history, he had been looking up stuff about the church of Scientology. It didn't freak me out at first as I chalked it up to him wanting to just look more into the concept you know. He brought up a conversation on the topic and told me he had got into contact with someone to get more info within the church. This made me HIGHLY uncomfortable as I personally have done minimumal research on the church but have seen seen a lot of negative comments about the Scientology methods of the church. I told him that I don't really want him to engage within the "religion" but hes admint on this.
  • when i was 14 my dad told me he didn't want me anymore after i got into an argument with his girlfriend for talking about my mom. he still talks to my other siblings and they treat him like nothing happened. he just doesn't want me anymore. he was my best friend before he cheated on my mom. the one guy who was supposed to love me decided i wasn't good enough.
  • my dad cheated on my mom when I was a baby. he left with her to go live smwhere thats 1hr away from us and thry had a child. we were close but 2 years ago where his gf started mentally abusing me and he wouldn’t see my side so i got distant, we would talk once a week but for the past couple of months we rarely talk and now it’s been a month and he hasn’t reached out and i wont because im always the one reaching out and making plans to see him and it’s exhausting. Since june 23 he hasn’t talked to me he called me july 13th to tell me my grandfather passed away 2 days later i reached out bc I didn’t know how to grieve his lost and all my father told me was “he’s not coming back” we haven’t talked since then it’s painful to just sit tgere and do nothing but clearly not for him. a month ago i asked him to come visit me at work he said it was too far but went to a store to buy “🚬” that’s equally as far from his house as my work place. I was extremely hurt by that. I hate he’s appart of me
  • My story is that I feel scared and trapped. I feel like I don’t feel good anymore it’s almost like my happy soul is gone and gone for good. Yes I have amazing friends who help me feel great and heal me, but their is this friend who I would love to tell my life and issues to but unfortunately I can’t do that because it stress them out. When I found out that I stress them out that broke and hurt me so much that it almost make me feel like they don’t like me anymore. I feel so sad and I wanna be free from this sadness. I also had to experience my dad leaving me when I was just turning 6 no my mom made us leave. That day hurt me so much that it almost threw me. To this day I haven’t seen him for almost 3 years. Also my story story is that I need help and I need it now before I really regret on what I will do to myself and others which I am so scared of hurting myself or even the people I love. So I hope that I will move on and be happy but for now I need help and I need it now to heal.
  • my biological father used to mean everything to me. all I ever wanted was to make him happy but it was never enough. It’s been 13 years since I last spoke to him. I want so desperately to not be any part of my bio father but I can’t help but look in the mirror and just see his reflection staring back at me. I don’t want to be like him in any way but the more I grow up, the more I see and feel like him. I hate it.
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  • Having a father thats there but not here at the same time and he missing the old time Like i used to do we always used to do things, always having arguments with mom instead. And arguments with me when i’ve done nothing wrong, having a sister that does thing better than me everytime. Dad you hurt me with your words❤️‍🩹 Thank you kenzie for this song i have followed ur journey on the internet for a long time🩷🩷 this song holds a special place in me
  • me and my dad were always really close growing up. i was always labeled as the daddy’s girl but as i got older he got more aggressive and angry and it broke me. he got abusive mentally and physically and after awhile my mom finally left him and we moved away. i still tried to have a relationship w him even thoight he had broken my heart time and time again and he tried for awhile too but then he abandoned me when i would say i needed him the most. he stopped calling/texting and at first i thought maybe he was just busy but when he didn’t text me on my birthday i knew he didn’t care anymore. he caused me so much pain and trauma and it sucks that i still miss him and care for him when he doesn’t feel the same about me.
  • i’ve never met my dad, he left when i was 2. this song truly resonates & i always think “i meant less than i thought” to him. i always question why he doesn’t miss me or why he’s incapable of loving me the way that i deserved. i see how other fathers love their daughters & i know that it’s not my fault, it’s his, but i just feel like i didn’t mean anything to him. i question why he couldn’t look at me when i was born & just instantly fall in love and want to take care of me. i guess i meant less than i thought.
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  • My parents divorced when I was 4 and they’ve seemingly never let go of the issues. My grandmother had to raise me to show human decency because my parents were too busy arguing like children all the time. I hate living my life embarrassed of my parents because I can’t help but feel like they’re not good people. When I think of trust and reliability I don’t think of my parents at all which leaves me feeling devastated for my younger self.
  • i've been in love with a good family friend for about a year and a half, i can't ever imagine being with someone else and even if i try to move on i think a part of me will always be in love with him. he's 2 years older than me and even though he is really smart i got to move up 2 years in math so we were in the same math class last year. he would always tease me about how much younger i was but he made me smile so much. this summer a bunch of my friends who don't know how i feel about him have seen him at football practice and pointed out how hot he is. even though he is, i've been in love with him even before everyone started noticing him. no matter who comes along in my life a part of me will still be waiting for him.
  • I have grown up without a father figure, And i related this song so much. Kenzie has really gave her best on this one and i now this is going to be my favorite song. Thank you Kenzie for making me feel strong when i am not feeling. You are so precious!!
  • my dad left as soon as I was born, saw me once and never again. he denied he was my father until I had to get proof of parentage sat age 14 where he couldn’t even be bothered to show up to court. He denied ever saying he wasn’t my father. Never paid my mother a penny of child support, but she did it all on her own. This one’s for all the single mamas out there who raise beautiful independent girls. Beautiful song Kenz. 💐🤍
  • my first memory of my dad being abusive was towards my sisters. don’t ask me what they did but apparently it was “bad” enough to get hit or for things to be thrown at them. my dads an alcoholic and recovering drug addict. i don’t have any memories with my dad where we didn’t fight or he wasn’t hitting someone or drinking. my dad punched my older sister back in febuary, she’s 20 and it that shows that no matter the age, your never safe around my dad when’s he’s angry. but after that incident i wasn’t really sure what i should do. i tried having a relationship with him, but after so many times witnessing abuse and being let down from promises not being kept, you just can’t see the person the same. i haven’t talked to my dad in over 2 months. don’t get me wrong i miss him but not enough to risk my safety and mental health. to anyone who’s being abused or is witnessing abuse, it’s not your fault or theirs, no matter what you do, being abused isn’t the answer. i love y’all.🖤
  • my dad was an alcoholic who frequently took out his anger on my my mother and my down syndrome brother. when i was 12 years old he took his life. at first i was unbothered because the abuse was finally over but now that im older i wish i could’ve done more with him. but i know he didn’t love me enough to quit drinking
  • I sent this song to my dad and told him it was a great depiction of how his absence has made me feel all this time. I don’t think he listened to it cause he responded almost instantly and he said “I miss you and think about you everyday.” Way to just gloss over what I sent you “dad.” God forbid you have feelings for once in your life.
  • my dads here but he’s not. he’s been an alcoholic since i was born and is an angry drunk. he’d yell and hit things, never me, which i was always told to be greatful for. but he caused me so much trauma with the things he’s said about me and to my face. calling me a rotten child, dismissing me when i talk because my story was boring, saying i’m a chain eater and can’t stop, saying i hate my family when i go to my room. and that was all when he was sober. when he was drunk, different story. this song makes me feel heard. even though he never left i always wished he did. now he’s better and everyone wants me to forgive him but i can’t. he made me depressed and suicidal and made me stop eating. i don’t see how i can forgive him for that. thank you for making this song. and thank you for making his anonymous submission page.
  • i want to be a movie writer. i make up movies in my head and preform them in the shower. one day i will write movies and my dreams will come true. and also i LOVE this song it has been in my head all DAY!!! ❤️❤️
  • My dad walked away from our family when I was in Highschool. He missed all of my birthdays and didn’t move me into college. I see him every now and then and I call when I can. But there’s so many unresolved emotions. My dad left because he felt trapped in his marriage with me mom. And I understand his need for escape, but he left us (my mom and 4 siblings) to fend for ourselves. I love my dad, I look exactly me. And I think that’s why it’s hard for me to distant myself from him. Because I have spent more years with him, than without. I’m afraid that once it evens out, and I’ve lived more life without than with him, I will grow to resent him. As for right now, I have so much love for him, and that’s the worst part.
  • when i was 15, my dad started prioritizing his new girlfriend, which just happened to be my sister in laws aunt, over not only myself but the rest of my family. i can relate to receiving empty promises, he ended up cutting off all communication with everyone including myself. i’m almost 18 now and we don’t talk, he has since moved away to georgia with her and they live together in her daughter’s backyard in a trailer. i wish everyday i could’ve changed the outcome.
  • Both my parents grew up with theirs divorced. Both their fathers cheated on their mothers (my grandmas). They did everything in their power to make sure I would never have to see that in them. They have given me a beautiful perspective on what love should look like. It’s not perfect, but it’s real and genuine. It has given me hope that one day I will find something like similar or even better especially after a going through a breakup that recently happened to me. I can only imagine the pain my parents had to go through growing up without their role models together. This song in a way helps me understand them a little more and it breaks my heart knowing many have gone through this.
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  • Hey im 𝐭𝐡𝐞 biggest dance moms fans in Germany, the show made me cry more than I ever cried in my life cause I felt such a bond. This song is very dear to me because I went through the same as Kenzie with her father. My father was only present in my first years after that disappeared. He is an half of me so why doesn’t he asks of me? My Mother is the strongest women out there raising 3 kids all by herself❤️ Goes out to all single mama‘s (Hero’s) out there.
  • my dad has been in/out of jail for my whole life growing up and i never knew my mom. grandparents raised me, but I still feel a void watching my father continuously choosing drugs over his kids and always coming in and out of my life. i always dreamed of having a mom and a dad and my brother and i having a dog and living in a house in the suburbs because i wanted to be like everyone else. it’s hard to grow up wondering why your real parents never wanted you
  • my parents divorced when i was three, and they decided to do 50/50 custody. i would be with my mom for a week and then my dad for a week. my dad used to be so fun and loving and sweet, but then he got a new wife and shes terrible. she convinced him that he was parenting us wrong and she took control of everything. over the years he's been mistreating me and telling me im a terrible kid and i mess everything up. he used to spank me on my bare butt which to me felt like sexual assault. i dont know if it was, but it felt like it. about a month ago my dad kicked me out of the house because i forgot it was fathers day. he said terrible things to me, calling me a narcissist and saying im a selfish kid who doesnt care about others. it was like 11 pm when he kicked me out so i had to stay the night at my neighbors house and in the morning i called my mom to pick me up. he's been trying to get me to come back but he doesnt realize that he said things he cant take back and those things hurt.
  • I have never met my biological father nor do I ever care too. Growing up, I was always upset that my friends all had their dads and I didn’t. I even went as far as to make one up for myself in a family book project I had to do in the 4th grade. I had a “step father” for about 10 or so years of my life but he was literally nothing that a father should be and thinking of calling him “dad” made me sick. For a long time, I wanted to know my father, but at the same time, I had to recognize that he has never been there. He’s never tried to find me, or know me, so why should I do the same? When my mother admitted to me that my father raped her contributing to my existence, it only made it clearer that I didn’t need or want him in my life. Now, I happily have another step father who I’m so proud to have. So for anyone out there wondering about their absent parent, if you have grown up well with a family who loves and supports you, don’t go looking, you have all you need.
  • Well I wrote about me having scoliosis and I don’t have daddy issues but I just wanted to share my scoliosis story to get it off my chest 😭
  • i grew up with my father but as soon as i hit double didgets i meant nothing to him, this song healed a part of me that i didnt think could be healed. so thankyou kenz. i love you.
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  • this song hits properly when i think of my dad. he acts like he loves me the one day and then one day he goes and ignores me and he loves my younger siblings. he never calls me or text and always ignores my texts and calls. he never abused my mom when they were dating but sometimes he always abuses my step mom once in a while and i don’t like it. but i also hate my step mom so it’s a little bit hard.
  • my dad left me when i was young, so i relate to this song a lot. i listened to it when it first came out, and i cried. this song means so much to me, thank you for having the courage to release your story to people like us. your fans will always rally behind you, and i’ll always be in your corner no matter what. i love you kenzie 🤍
  • Why are you so cute in the anatomy picture 😍 (not to be creepy but still) 🤣
  • this song made me think a lot about how my dad was the most neglectful person I’ve ever know
  • this song is how i feel about my dad and i needed it so badly
  • My mother hates me and I don’t know why. She’s absolutely jealous of everything about me; my looks, my career, my grades, whatever it is, she thinks she deserves it more than me, which is so fucked because mothers are supposed to love their daughters. But not in my story. And my father is no better; we have fun times together and I love him more than anything, but in the end he will always side with her. I have to fight for everything in this household, prove myself everyday, but I can’t afford to move out when the cost of living is so high and my paycheck is so low. I’m praying for a miracle to get me out of that house because after 20 years I can’t take it anymore. It hurts too much, it’s too real, I can’t pretend things are ok like I did when I was a kid. My mother hates me. It’s a fact.
  • so proud for u kenz i love u sm 🤍
  • I feel like I had to become the peace and pick up my siblings slack because I don’t want to stress out my parents but I want to experience without having to feeling like I’m disappointing them or doing something wrong. I get one bad grade and it’s like they are always like they expect more from me and it’s just so much pressure. I also want to date and meet someone who just understands me I’m a virgin and I feel like all the boys around me just want to you do me then go but I want an emotional connection so i tend to just ignore my dms or like give them a chance and they don’t text back. Life is just not it. My mom is so worried about her boyfriend in prison and his kids and not her own college is about to be expensive I’m just thinking of life now
  • I haven’t scene my father in ten years time, I’m almost 20, he has not wished me a happy birthday in this time period. I keep thinking, I don’t want to get married one day and not have him there. But it’ll be so hard to start a new relationship once we finally reconnect given it’s been ages and he doesn’t know me.
  • We fell further and further out of touch, I couldn’t handle his shitty parenting anymore. I cared less and less. He called more. Eventually I think he really was sorry. He probably was all along. But I was done. Then he lost the chance to change, and I lost the chance to forgiven. Now that he’s forever gone, our relationship is forever different.
  • love ya
  • kenzie, ily so much and am so proud of you and your music career. keep making amazing songsss <3333
  • My dad didn't want me. On a side note the guy I love basically told me he's not interested in hanging out anymore so I'm really sad
  • i really do be lyin to my sister sayin i don’t miss him. he’s fr destroying me man
  • this is such a beautiful song Kenzie, your voice is like an angel. having this song on repeat, an amazing song and story 🫶🏻
  • I’ve never met my dad because when my mom got pregnant he told her he was engaged to another woman with a 3 year old.
  • I moved out of my moms house in 2nd grade bc she was on drugs,extremely depressed, and didn’t take care of me or my three other siblings so I moved in with my dad. Grew up with such a rocky relationship bc she was such a narcissist and extremely bipolar and I was just a kid who was confused and wanted to be happy like all the other kids with their happy family. I hated her most of my life but decided she was my mom and I thought I would fr give her a shot my freshman year after she tried to take her own life and i physically saved her. We finally got to a good place and was trying to help her get her lfie together just for her to pass away from natural causes my junior year(March 2021). I put on your song and it just sings in my soul from the missing piece of my mom. She didn’t know me for most of life and wasn’t a part of my childhood or in my teens at all. I miss her and your song resonates so hard. Thank you kenz for creating a beautiful piece of heart. Love & wishing u all healing❤
  • this song is so beautiful, thank you for gifting us with this🤍
  • what the sigma
  • so my parents are divorced since i’m 4 and a half years old i always imagined my parents being together forever and we’ll be a happy family but from that day on everything has changed when my parents told me i couldn’t stop crying my dad left our home and i was screaming - crying after him „ dad please don’t leave me ” and „ will i ever see you again ” and these sentences burned into my head and i still can hear my mini me scream after my dad after that everything was back and forth they were good to each other and weren’t angry and stuff and then there were days when they were fighting and i locked myself into my room and cried , this song really healed my inner child and my mini me thank you so much kenzie 🫶🏻
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